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An Old Parent Recaps
Through the years I have witnessed several changes at the St. Cyprian’s Boys’ School both property-wise and business-wise.
More than thirteen hundred students have transitioned to Secondary Schools. There has also been a large turnout of staff…some have gone on to ‘better things’, but the dedicated ones have remained.
Forty-six years ago, daily when the clock showed two-thirty, we would find a group of people just gathering at the School gate. Today this has not changed.
Not only did the School reap great success on the academic field, but also in sports and extra-curricular activities. For such results we cannot help but thank a group of devoted teachers and coaches. I recall Everton Gasking (a former Headmaster); Marita Agard, Esther Toppin; Valerie Sandiford; Wendy Evelyn-Knight; Ebony Barrow; Nateisha Brathwaite; Carlisle Kirton; Denrick Codrington; Kevin Hurdle to mention a few. Caretaker Ian Grant has played a leading role in maintaining the tidiness of the School.
Special mention must be made of our Business Manager Mrs. Haynes Edwards who has used her banking experience to establish procedures for creating methods to assist with her daily chores. Our Manager Administration in her smiling way makes it a pleasure for parents to discuss their children’s problems. And finally, words cannot describe our Principal Dave Layne – a lecturer: a principal: a student: a parent – he wears many hats switching as the occasion demands. He has played a great role in the success of the School.
Mentioning the School’s success brings me to the ‘main man.’ Unfortunately, the person is not a male. Patricia Small has shouldered the School from 1987. She has been the pilot using all her knowledge to reap success. Her successor will have large boots to step in.
As the school year 2023-2024 commences, it appears as if we are in for a ‘carbon copy’ of the previous year. I am happy to be looking in again and hope the School continues to maintain its standard as it strives for success.
Sure And Steady Will Succeed.
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